This article discusses the available options for monitoring a SPADE deployment.
SPADE comes with a number of default monitoring pages, as show in this article. However, these are all built ontop of a RESTFul interface to the SPADE application so it is very straight forward to create you own monitoring pages or automate the monitoring if you wish.
The figure below shows the main page for quickly seeing the health of a SPADE application. The first line tells you which deployment is being displayed and whether it is currently running or suspended. The next line shows the amount of free space in the cahce and well as the minimum required for SPADE to carry on processing. (If not enough space is available for a particular activity, that activity will wait until it enough becomes available and the continue. The next line take you to a page that lists the state of each individual activity (see next section).
At the bottom of the page is the "Actions" section. Whne you click on this is shows you the actions you can execute from this page (providing you have authorization).
The main page to monitor a SPADE application
If you have looked at the workflows page then you will know that SPADE is broke up into a number of separate and distinct activities. When the application is suspended or resumed all activities are swicthed to the appropriate state. However it is possible to change the state of an individual activity for whatever reason. For example if the destination directory for a transfer is unavailable you may which to suspend that transfer activity. The figure below is an example of the page that show the state of each activity and, if you are authorized, change its state.
The activities page of a SPADE application
The following two figures enable you to monitor the placements of files from all sources in to the local warehouse. The first page shows the activity over the last hour while the second shows that history over time of this activity.
The page displaying the most recent placement activity of a SPADE application
The page displaying the daily number of placements done by a SPADE application
As with placement you can monitor transfers with the following two figures. Again, the first page shows the activity over the last hour while the second shows that history over time of all transfers from the application.
The page displaying the most recent transfer activity of a SPADE application
The page displaying the daily number of transfers done by a SPADE application